Sunday, April 17, 2011

Strange Sayings

There are some sayings that I don't understand. For example, "sleeping like a baby". Does that mean that you wake up and cry through the night? Does it mean that you sleep often? Does it mean that everyone around you wishes you would sleep more?
I remember when President Obama was first elected and Senator McCain was asked how he felt about it. He replied that he was "sleeping like a baby...sleep two hours, wake up and cry, sleep two hours, wake up and cry."
Perhaps it's a worn joke, but I still thought it was witty. So sleeping like a baby must mean you sleep well.
Another saying I have wondered about -- "It's like taking candy from a baby." I assume that means it is suppose to be easy, but have they ever actually tried to wrestle a treasured piece of candy out of chubby clenched fist? A baby can have quite the grip.
Another saying, "You can pick your nose, and you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friend's nose."
So I think I understand this one pretty well, although my 2 year old son, Caden doesn't. He told me as we were driving in the van that he was picking his baby brother's nose. Gross. Of course he could be a little confused about proper nose-picking etiquette because Dad had to pick his nose with the tweezers.
For some reason Caden is attached to little pieces of fuzz or stuffing. He will find a piece of stuffing from a chair, or a blanket and stick it in his nose; or hold it close to his nose. He finds it at home, at church, in the van, and at Grandma's house. He is so often seen with fuzz that one of his cousins asked her mom why that fuzz was attached to Caden.
One day he went a little too far with his fuzz -- too far up his nose. Dad tilted his head back and tried to grip the fuzz with the tweezers. It hurt him, but we got it out. It didn't seem to hinder his love for fuzz.
Should I be worried?

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