Saturday, January 17, 2009

What to teach?

What are my goals for schooling my children? Should education be KING? What if God is King? What would that look like? Surely that does not mean that education is not important, but what does God value? He says, "Be followers of Me. Walk in love as I also gave myself up for you."
How can I teach them to actively love their neighbor, the widow, the fatherless?
What will prepare them for the real world? I received an academic scholarship for college and yet I feel that I fell short in practical areas of life. How do I teach them to be able to pick up a book, find the answer to their questions and then solve the problem? How do I instill confidence in them?
My husband and I are discussing different curriculum for 1st grade. What we used for Kindergarten was very thorough and we are very happy with it, except it is so time-consuming that I tend to put off the younger siblings that have not yet started school. So I wonder, do I enroll in an easier program so that I have more time to spend serving others, working around the house, and building character qualities in my children? Or do I reorganize my day so that I don't sacrifice academics, but still do not neglect the training of the younger children? How? I am stretched so thin it seems.

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