Saturday, March 5, 2011

Something Better

My Grandma always wanted to live in Utah. She thought it was one of the most beautiful states. Smart woman. She also wanted to build her own house. But throughout her life, she never lived in Utah and she always lived in houses that wouldn't have even been considered nice by many American families. Her husband served most of their married life as a pastor in small churches and they gave sacrificially from the small income they had.

Our pastor and his family recently left our church to serve as Wycliffe Bible translators in Tanzania. It is hard to give up your friends, ministry, or the home you have know for years -- not to mention living in a different culture.

They lived their lives in faith, trusting and waiting for the promises of God. They embraced God's truth and believed that they were strangers and pilgrims on this earth. They declare plainly that they seek a homeland, but not here. They desire something better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them. (Heb.11)

If my Grandma can give up Utah, so can I. If my friends can give up their church and friends, so can I. And perhaps this sounds strange, but if my friends can go, I can be willing to stay. We all give up different things. God has a different place for each of us. But ultimately, the question is... Are we seeking something better?

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