Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Justice or Mercy

My boys always claim that they want justice. They want everything to be fair. It's my turn to play with the bucket truck. I had that first. Shiloh said he would read the book once, then let me look at it. They come to me complaining because life was not just. But they don't really want justice. They want life to be the way they want. Micah would not have complained to me about how long he was taking with the book if his brother was the one waiting and he was the one reading. Micah and Zac might be fighting and hitting, each convinced his brother needs a spanking, but not him. Is it really about being fair? Or is it about pleasing ourselves? We want justice, maybe for others, but not for ourselves. I know I don't want what I deserve! I want mercy. That's one thing that is so amazing about God. He satisfies His justice as He mercifully takes the agony I deserve. He says that mercy triumphs over judgment.

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