Saturday, March 28, 2009

Keep My Mouth Shut

I have a few checks for my speech that I like to employ. The problem is I have been too slack. Be vigilant. Be sober. Satan prowls about seeking whom he may devour. What better way to be destroyed or destroy others than to let the guard down on our speech. Be careful if you bite and devour one another, soon you will be consumed by each other. What have I done?
So because there is always another chance with God, again I pray that my speech will always be full of grace.
So, back to the checks.
First, if I am saying something about a person, would I use the same words and tone of voice if he were standing beside me. Sometimes what I am saying is okay, but I would say it more gently if I was talking to the person I was talking about. I use to think I made this up, but recently I was reading a book by Max Lucado and he mentioned it. Probably I got the idea from him.
Second, if there is something I really want to tell someone about myself -- Don't say it! Although exceptions should be made because this is partly how people become closer friends. But will what I say help the other person? Am I the star of the story?
And finally, what people are saying to you, they will be saying about you. If they tell others' secrets, they will probably tell yours. If they complain about others, they will probably complain about you.
The power of death or life is in my tongue. I'd much rather spread life!

1 comment:

  1. these are really good checks. i should do the same. i find i talk about myself way too much.
