Monday, March 16, 2009

This is the Day

Today one of my friends lost someone very dear to them. The world is full of death -- until Jesus returns! He says the last enemy He will defeat is death. So thinking of death, and Heaven, and the ones we love made me want to share some poetry that us struggling poets have composed. (That would be Eric and I, although you shall see I struggle more.)

The Day the Lord Has Made
This is the day the Lord has made,
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day they told me
I can't find any heart tones,
But God made this day --
This is a day to rejoice?

This is the day they sent me away.
Again and again we tried to get into the hospital,
But no one wanted to deliver our baby.
But God made this day --
This is a day to rejoice?

This is the day my lifeless son came into the world.
I held his bleeding, broken body in my arms and cried.
I sent his body away,
A few short hours to hold my son
A few short hours to create all the memories we will ever have together.
Then they wheeled him away. Forever.
But this is the day the Lord has made --
We will rejoice and be glad in it?

This is the day we planned my son's funeral.
Obituaries, funeral services, caskets,
flowers, cemetery plots, headstones.
God made this day too --
It is a day to rejoice?

This is the day my baby was buried.
This is the day of his funeral, my son.
The casket was so small.
This is the day I watched aching as he rested in the grave.
This is the day my heart silently screamed -- No!
As I watched my husband shovel dirt
And cover the white casket where my son's body lay.
This is the day the Lord made --
This is a day to rejoice?

God, Your ways are unsearchable,
Who can know them?
God, Your thoughts are higher,
Who can reach them?
God, Your love and mercy are unfailing,
Who can surpass them?

God, You are the reason to rejoice.
We trust in Your Sovereignty, Your wisdom, Your goodness, Your love.
We trust and rejoice.
This is a day to rejoice.

Here's Eric's -- Sorry the music isn't included, I can hear it as I type.

My Secret Child

My secret child, so small and frail,
Why did you leave us so soon?
We love you so, just so you know
We would have had enough room
In our hearts though now are broken,
We will always remember you
And though the world will never know you
You will always be our secret child.

We remember when you never cried,
Our silent treasure so peaceful.
We don't understand the reasons why
Still our hurting hearts find comfort
For we know that Jesus, He holds you
Cause our arms just cannot reach you now
And though the world will never know you
You will always be our secret child.

I will always try to imagine
Of what you and I, we would have been
We would have had such a life together
And we would have been such good friends
And from time to time we will cry
But we will always hope
For one day when we see you again
There's one thing you can be sure,
that we will hold you, I will hold you,
and hold you.

Though our hearts are broken we will say
With our hearts now broken it's Thee we praise

For you have chosen to give and now
You have taken away.
So we bow down and we shout Lord
Blessed be your name.
Blessed be the Lord Almighty, the great El Shaddai,
Elohim our Creator, the Giver of Life
So full of mercy Lord we lift You high....

Used by Permission. Copyright 2007.

1 comment:

  1. so, today i finally am on the computer and wanted to catch up on your blog. not sure if i should have, because now i can't stop crying..thanks noorths. :) for real, i love you! thank you for sharing your heart and your thoughts. your faith, hope and trust in our Sovereign God is such an example to me. i am so thankful for you, that i get to know you and be your friend.
