Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cleaning Up

I fixed the fence. I didn't want to do it, but now it is done. The broken boards are replaced. The fence is still rather junky, but I'll put a cheap coat of paint on and see if that helps the look of the yard. Paint is less expensive than boards. Really I should take the whole fence down and replace it.
Speaking of junk...I think Eric needs a pole barn. He can keep all his tools, building supplies, projects, experiments in there. Then we will need another pole barn for the boys. They want to save the strangest things. Sometimes when they are not looking I burn their treasures. How could I be so cruel! Good thing the mailman keeps bringing more junk mail. I also try to keep their scraps of boards and strings and spears in their tree fort. They even want to keep the empty Tums bottle and twist-ties and little pieces of paper they cut into squares.

I am obsessive about brushing teeth. Eric says we can't have any more children because I wouldn't have time to brush their teeth. He says it takes an hour to get them ready for bed. I timed it though, it's only about 15 minutes. Then Eric was eating candy tonight. When I told him he should brush, he said the next thing I'll be doing is not allowing food to be eaten. Good idea. No food, no dirty teeth.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha!!!! i love you my tooth-brushing obsessed friend :) we should floss sometime! :)
