Thursday, August 20, 2009

Money and Miracles

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."
-- Oscar Wilde, Irish dramatist and novelist

I do not agree with this, I just thought it was funny. Although if anyone couldn't think of more ways to spend money (even if they didn't actually spend the money), I would probably think they suffered from a lack of imagination.
I was reading through various blogs with monthly financial goals. It was a little disappointing, because I have goals that I feel like I cannot reach.
But I suppose I can get so caught up on my goals that I miss the daily miracle.
We pay our bills another month. We eat another day. Where does the money come from? It's kind of a mystery.
I think God taught me a couple things about money while we owned the tree service.
First, I really think God will provide. And it usually is never when you want it. Maybe this is just for me, but it seems like God likes to stretch me to the point of breaking before he actually gives relief.
Second, things seem worse the first time -- then you get use to them and can handle them without fear, knowing it will work out. When the government first levies your account it's shocking. You hurriedly call the bank, trying to deal with all the checks you have written on the thousands that were just taken. The next time you are prepared. At first when you receive threatening letters from the IRS you are a little unnerved. Later, you realize there's really nothing you have that they even want. But more than that, you realize that there is nothing they can do, or take that will rob you of what is most important. Life is adventure and God holds us each step of the way. He will provide. He will never leave.
Third, never say you have no money. It's just not true. (Although I do agree it is definitely more true for some than others!) I have heard this often. I have heard it from people that then bought a brand new bed for hundreds of dollars. I have heard it from people that then bought airline tickets for Hawaii. I hear it from people that cannot give. Money is a matter of priorities. Someone may take their family on a two week vacation. It doesn't necessarily mean they have more money, just that that was a high priority for them. Money is also a matter of perspective. Someone that is use to making $80K will have no money making $50K. (which would sound like a lot to someone else). Personally, I think most of us are incredibly rich in America.
I was talking with a friend about my desire to give more money to the poor, and she mentioned that must be her. (That giving to the poor for her meant giving to her family.) Maybe she has a point, but I still think the poorest of us here have a lot more than the poor in other countries.
Fourth... (will I ever stop)... always do what needs to be done for others regardless of the cost. It's easy to look at what we have left in our meager bank accounts, and think logically we should not give. And that is probably right. But God is not logical! Well, His kingdom is different than this world. I think if it's something that you think God wants you to do or give towards, He will add more to your bank account later when you need it. We have seen this many times.
I am reminded of my Grandpa. He lived so cheaply because he and his wife wanted to give all they could to missions. Some think they are crazy. But I wonder what his treasure in Heaven will be like. It's fascinating to me to listen to his stories of how God provided. Looking back it's easy to see how God was providing. It's hard when you are going through it. If we could only remember that God's already looking back.
This is long, but I'll end with one story.
Sometimes you wonder if God has forgotten you. A couple weeks ago we were again reminded that he remembers.
A friend of ours had a dream that he should give us some money. This was someone we hardly ever talk to or even see. He woke up and remembered the dream, but thought it was only a dream and decided to forget it. All through the day he kept thinking about that dream. It kept coming to mind. Finally he started to wonder if God really was talking to him, and he wrote the check and mailed it.
We received the check during a very bleak time. Everything we tried seemed to fail. We couldn't seem to hear God leading one way or the other. Dead end after dead end. We wondered if we had been left to flounder with no direction. God was so silent. That check was like His voice shouting to us. Yes, the money was extremely helpful. (It was even the amount that I had been thinking earlier that we needed.) But more than that it was God saying, I am still here. I will never forget you. See I placed you in someone else's dream because I will always take care of you. I will guide you. You are not alone. Trust me.

1 comment:

  1. I love the line "Looking back it's easy to see how God was providing. It's hard when you are going through it. If we could only remember that God's already looking back." It good to remember that God is taking care of us.
