Monday, February 9, 2009

Just Give Me Jesus

Do I adorn the Gospel of Christ? Yes, the cross is foolishness to those who don't believe, but do I make it more foolish? On Sunday one of the teachers at a church I attended read a letter from a young man who was now free from Christianity. My heart became heavy as he spoke of the things that Christians had told him. I would want to be free from his type of Christianity too! Where did people ever get the idea that to be a follower of Christ meant that you wouldn't talk to a member of the opposite sex until you were twenty-five? That somehow you were more spiritual if you sat on the other side of the room? Where did they get the idea that to make disciples meant making sure people followed you in your choice of music, clothing and hairstyle? Why would a father tell his son that the friends he grew up with before he was "converted" were tools of Satan? Didn't the Pharisees in Jesus' time say the same thing -- If He were really God, he would know these people are "sinners" -- He wouldn't eat with them. And Jesus answers -- Of course I know they are sinners, that's why I'm here. It's not the healthy that need a doctor. I am here to heal. And those poor Pharisees, who desperately needed healing went on living their self-righteous fantasy. Where is the love? Jesus says people will know we are Christians by our love. I just spent over an hour reading posts from people who had "deconverted" from Christianity. I didn't intend to spend so much time. I visited the site mentioned on Sunday to read the young man's letter myself, but the other posts were so awful, I just couldn't seem to stop. They are searching for a purpose in life. They think they have found it because now they "reason and think for themselves". They have become their own hope. They have become their own god. And I wonder, have we turned people farther away from the truth? Have we offered true hope, true purpose, true joy, or have we offered criticism, ridiculous standards, external righteousness?
Take the whole world -- just give me Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. you convict me friend. or should i say God has used you to convict me. how many have i turned away? that question will haunt and challenge me. i especially don't want to turn my children, or your children away. i want to make Christ beautiful and desirable. i want to make Him irresistable. thank you.

    could you send me that website?

