Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Boys Scare Me

Why is this sock in the bathtub? I ask as I pick it up to throw it with the dirty laundry.
Micah answers, Because it was in the toilet.
Great. I drop it quickly.
Of course this lead to the next obvious question, Why was it in the toilet???
How many of these types of questions have I asked? The young mind understands. It makes sense to them, but I am puzzled.
Why is the table on top of my bed?
Why are you on top of the fridge?
Why is there toothpaste on my ceiling?
I wonder if they find me puzzling as well.
Why can't we stand on our chairs while we eat?
Why must we sleep -- it's only 11PM?
Some day they will grow old and understand me, but who ever understands the mind of a child? So full of imagination and adventure. His surroundings become a stage for a world of endless possibilities. In his play he can be anything or do anything. Have we lost something with age? Do we dare to dream? Do we dare to hope?

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