Saturday, February 12, 2011

Crazy Love -- Part II

Not to steal a title from Francis Chan, the author of the popular book Crazy Love, but how can I describe it any better? I can't seem to stop thinking of myself like a shopping cart, and if it weren't for Jesus I would still be in the ditch. Who would have seen me and seen a treasure? I am not rich. I am not strong. I am not smart. I am not beautiful. I am not famous. I have failed more times than I can remember. I have been abandoned, abused, and alone. I am the one covered in slime and yet Christ is the one strong enough to make me clean. He rescues me from the domain of darkness, and transfers me to the kingdom of His beloved Son. (Col. 1:13) Who can understand such love? And yet God says that we are His chosen people, His own special people. (I Peter 2:9)

So I thank God for rescuing me from the ditch. I thank Him for calling me His own. I thank Him for taking my sins, which were many, and washing them away. I thank Him for bringing me into His Kingdom. Yes, my Savior, Jesus, is the crazy One who rescued me! I thank Him for His crazy love!
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