Saturday, May 14, 2011

Food and Raiment

My jeans have big holes in the knees and other smaller holes. Soon I will throw them away, but I really like this pair so I'm keeping them as long as possible. I am happy to wear out clothes. It was after reading Revolution in World Missions that I decided not to buy clothes. It's hard to remember now exactly how this all started. I know I was reading and feeling like I have so much in America and wanting to give more to my brothers and sisters in other countries. Why should I have a closet full of clothes when they have so little? Why not spend less money on myself so I could give more away? Especially when such a little bit of money goes so far in other countries. I kind of made an agreement with God that I would wait to buy clothes until our IRS tax debt was paid off.
It's been over two years now. After a quick look through the clothes hanging in my closet, I realize that there is only one shirt that I have bought for myself. I have been blessed by generous friends. I have been taken care of by God. I have had what I needed. At times I have wanted to be more stylish, or wanted to wear something but didn't wear it because I didn't feel I had the right pair of shoes or other accessory. Often my clothes might not be what I would choose, but I have learned something. I have learned (am learning)self-control in this area -- that I don't have to be the picture of what I think I should look like.
But I have wondered sometimes, what ever happened to those men in the Bible that vowed not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul. Did they die of starvation? Did they eventually just eat? I think at the heart of these questions I am asking "Will God continue to take care of me?" I was listening to a sermon recently and the pastor said that the question of whether we will serve God or money is really a question of where we place our trust. In what our we finding our security?
My husband and I were joking about the verse that says, "having food and clothing, be content" Eric was saying how that is all I really ever want anyways -- good food and nice clothes. It is true that those are the things that I like. Unfortunately the verse doesn't say the clothes have to be stylish or the food exciting. I need to learn to be content.
So what is God teaching me through something as simple as clothing?
I hope that through this I will be able to learn to give generously and joyfully to those in need; that I will trust God as my security and my provider; that I will be clothed with humility.

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