Friday, May 6, 2011

To Name A Few

I have been privileged to know some amazing women. I have often thought that I have had friends that were a lot more accomplished than I. Some people talk about marrying out of their league, well, I have "friended" out of my league.

My friend Jeannette...
I look to her as an example of how I would like to love others. She is full of a desire to think what is true even through the toughest situations. Her faith in God is firm and is her anchor.
My friend Sandy...
one of the most genuine, hospitable ladies I know. She is quick to feel others' pain and is welcoming and uncondemning. You never feel like you don't measure up.
My friend Fawne...
so full of surrender. Graciously accepting what God has placed in her life; and shining with a selflessness and love for her Father, when she could be filled with self-pity.
My sister Mel...
a servant unlike any other. Sacrificing her desires for others. Willingly walking in obedience to God even through pain and difficulty.
My Mom...
in the midst of trial and betrayal she has chosen to forgive and to teach her children to hope.


  1. My friend Sharon...
    She is sensitive to the Holy Spirit and acts on truth. I trust her deeply because she is honest, even when it's hard to be. She loves and breathes the Word of God. She prays faithfully for those around her. She understands deep pain and yet has hope in her risen Lord. I love her!
