Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good Morning

It's almost 7:30 in the morning. Time is quickly passing. My morning is almost over. Soon I will need to go start breakfast for the family. I love mornings. I love the peacefulness. I love the sun rising and everything becoming bright again. Mornings to me are a time to think, to read, to write. I suppose I like mornings because I am basically selfish and mornings are my time. When I wake up the house is still quiet. No one is asking for anything.
I lay in my bed and read my Bible, or sometimes I go to my "office" to read, which is really just my large closet. Sometimes I am working on paperwork and spread it out on the floor in my closet, and then if I don't finish I just close the door and turn off the light. Everything in my office is kept safe and unseen until later.
Sometimes I go for a walk before breakfast. The sun is still working on warming off the night's chill. The air is crisp. The mountain is beautiful. I see deer and geese as I walk along. I think and pray.
In the morning sometimes there is time to snuggle next to my husband before the rush of the day when we go our separate ways.
In the mornings I have a chance to check my e-mail, to check my friends' blogs, and to write some of my own.
Mornings bring a new chance, a new start. The psalmist says that weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Mornings to me are times when it is easy to be joyful, to think the right thoughts and want to do the right thing. I suppose that makes sense, because it is usually free from stress, work, and problems.
Mornings are just too short. Breakfast and children are calling...good bye morning.

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