Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day of Rest

This past Saturday my husband took the three older boys for the day while I stayed home with Caden, the youngest. I did some straightening around the house, spent some time with my sister and steam-cleaned the carpets, which desperately needed to be done. Eric jokes that I just don't know how to sit. The next morning at church someone asked how I enjoyed my day of rest, referring to my Saturday with most of the family gone. I was a little confused at first because I had worked hard that Saturday, but also because I realized I really do consider Sunday my day of rest. I wasn't sure how to answer because my day of rest was just starting.
I haven't mastered getting all the kids fed, clean and ready for church in a restful manner, but that is a small portion of the day. I quickly forget the rush as I sit among friends at church. We drop our children off at their classes and then go to our class. I enjoy the class so much -- talking with friends, or just listening, sharpening our minds and lives. Often during the morning service I feel like I spend more time instructing my children than listening, but over all it is still restful. After all I do get to sit, and my husband is usually with me. On Sundays I get Eric all day long. Every other day there are responsibilities that keep us going, often in different directions, but on Sunday we never feel like we should be working. On Sunday we can be together. On Sunday we are both there all day to help with the kids. Although on Sundays, even with the children I get a break because we drop all their scheduled responsibilities they worked on during the week. It can be very tiring pushing new skills and truths into their minds. On Sunday we rest from their Scripture memorization, catechism, math facts, reading, and any other chores except what is necessary.
We are in the process of remodeling our basement, but on Sundays the mess and projects can wait. Sundays are freedom. The tasks before us may try to enslave us, but on Sunday the victory is ours.
After church we go to my mom's house for lunch. I truly enjoy a break from cooking. Helping prepare food and even cleaning up in someone else's kitchen just seems so much better for some reason. My sister and brother-in-law are there too. We talk and eat and relax.
After we've eaten and visited for awhile, we all lay down to nap or read or do something quietly. This is one of my favorite parts of the day. I tend to feel a little guilty if I nap on a week day, and it rarely happens. But on Sunday we nap every week. It is so refreshing. We usually nap in my mom's air-conditioned basement. It is so cool and dark and peaceful.
After the evening service, there is just about the right amount of time to feed the boys some leftovers and put them to bed. Then Eric and I enjoy the last of our day of rest together before another hectic work week starts.
Just writing this makes me eager for Sunday to come again. I love our day of rest.

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