Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Eternal Rest

Just thinking about rest again this morning. Israel was delivered by God's mighty hand from the slavery of the Egyptians. Then they began their journeys in the wilderness, all the time seeking that promised land from God. Many did not enter the promised land because of their unbelief, but those that remained were led by Joshua into the promised land. The promised land was God's rest for them.
But God says there is still a rest waiting for God's people. Isn't Canaan, the promised land, a picture of Heaven, our promised land? Perhaps we are wandering in the wilderness now. Maybe it feels a little like we are being bit by fiery serpents, or traveling in circles with no purpose, or maybe just extremely tired and weary. But there is a rest waiting for us. That rest is eternal freedom. That rest is eternal joy. That rest is a rest from trial, from tears, from separation, from sin. We toil now, but one day we will be forever with our Lord in our promised land. Let us not fail to enter this rest because of our unbelief. Let us thank God for our eternal rest.

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