Sunday, July 25, 2010

Filthy Rich

When my husband first met my mom, she asked him what he wanted to do with his life. He told her he planned to be filthy rich. (The things a guy will say to win a girl!) So with promises of riches we started our journey of married bliss. But one thing I wonder. Where did the riches go? I have a sneaking suspicion we may have missed the mark. We have all heard the "redneck" jokes. I think I could make my own version from personal experience.

You may not be filthy rich if...

... the thrift store rejects the donation you brought, and had been using, because "no one would want that."

... the man behind you in the grocery store check-out line offers to buy your $2.00 sausages.

... an elderly lady at church tells you she heard of a place giving away free clothing and couldn't think of anyone who could use that, except your family.

... a stranger stops you in the parking lot to give you the name and number of his friend, who happens to have a van that she wants to send to the junkyard, even though "it's nicer than yours."

Before we were married, my husband's sister asked me if I chose Eric for his personality or his looks. I thought this was a silly question because to marry someone for his looks is about as futile as marrying someone for his money. Oh, who am I kidding, I married him for his money, but I'll keep him for his looks. :)

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