Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Today my husband saved our lives. Of course it's hard to know what the outcome would have been since he intervened before we actually died. We were swimming in my uncle's pond. My son, Micah, was swimming beside me holding onto a floatation device. When we got near the center and were starting back the twenty feet to shore, he began to panic and let go of his floatation device and grabbed me instead.
I couldn't hold both him and me up and I went under the water. I came to the surface after much groping and kicking. It felt like my one chance for rescue. I called out for Eric and went under again.
It feels like forever when you are under the water and you look up and you see the light but cannot seem to get to it. I remember coming up at one point and gasping for air before I went under again and I remember at some point seeing Eric near us swimming in the water. He held on to Micah, but he couldn't get him to let go of me. Desperately I cried out, "Hit him. Hit him." I had heard that sometimes you need to disable a person somewhat so that you can save them. It's like Micah possessed some kind of crazed animal strength.
Now with two panicked people, Eric began to wonder if three of us would eventually be pulled under. But somehow he was able to release me from Micah's grasp allowing me to swim to safety and then he brought Micah to the shore.
Eric had jumped in wearing his pants and T-shirt and now stood on the shore dripping wet. He is our hero. I wondered later, if Eric were gone and unable to save us, if we would eventually all come to some tragic end.

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