Friday, July 3, 2009

The Camping Trip -- Part 1

On Friday before we left I was sitting in the living room with my boys, and I asked them if there was anything they would like me to pray for them. Micah wanted me to pray that we would have a good trip, so I asked him what would make it a good trip. He replied that he would not like rain or running out of gas. We talked about how something that seems bad can actually be good, depending on how you look at it. We don't know everything that God is planning. (Referring also to my previous comment that I don't want God to just give me what I think I want, but what is good for me. I don't want to be a spoiled 3 year old, but a trusting one.)
So later that day we went to Walmart to pick up some glue to patch our raft and some batteries. After we parked I removed the keys from the ignition and put them in the pocket beside the door. Micah saw that I took the keys out and assumed that I put them in my pocket. Logical really. He proceeded to lock all the doors on the truck and the back window. He told me, but it was already too late. I remember -- not just what I want, but what I need. Bad things could be good..... In the store I reminded my boys about what we talked about that morning, knowing that we were going to have a hands-on-example in just a few minutes. The few minutes turned into a lot of minutes as I wandered around the store looking for glue. I could not find it. Even with help from store personnel I still had trouble finding it. But finally we left the store.
At the truck, the boys realized our fate. I must say that by this time I was able to have a good attitude about walking home, even with 3 little boys, although I still fought it. Especially when Shiloh started crying and crying, because he didn't want to walk anymore and his feet hurt. Turned out he had blisters on both his heels by the time we arrived home.
It begins....

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