Friday, July 3, 2009

The Camping Trip -- Part 2

We left as soon as we could after church on Sunday. Because we are crazy (and cheap) we decided to take our little Toyota pickup. It has a tiny extended cab with two seat belts. There are 3 seat belts in the front. Two plus three is only five and since there are six of us, we were short one seat belt. Not a problem exactly, because if you are over sixteen you don't have to wear a seat belt in the back seat, and I am over sixteen. That put me in the back. I sat on a pillow, because there isn't really even a seat in the middle in the back. My knees were close to the front seat and the boys crowded me from the sides.
We were excited about leaving. It's amazing the discomfort you can put up with when you are excited. But since it was a six hour drive and we left at 8pm, we began to become tired. We restlessly squirmed about trying to find a place for heads and feet and legs. Eventually I ended up on the floor. This was a very tight squeeze! Parts of my body kept falling asleep. Feet were pushing me, a child was on top of me at one point. I tried to shift, so a new part of my body could fall asleep. I started thinking about the Jews jammed into boxcars during WWII. Pure torture.
But we made it...

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