Monday, July 20, 2009


My husband and I watched a movie that said -- The prerequisite for a miracle is an impossibility.
What are the impossibilities in my life? Or even more simply -- what miracles am I praying for? I am reminded of literature I read in college. The man had access to magic and he asked for a bowl of grapes. I think -- Grapes? You could have asked for anything? But maybe that is what I do with God. Not that He is a magician, but am I asking?
Our pastor challenged us last year and this year again to pick one specific thing to ask God for this year. Last year I prayed for salvation for our boys -- I do think at least one of them genuinely believes -- I am still praying. This year I am praying that God will pay off our debt by the end of the year. My faith is small. My husband lost his job.
So many prayer requests are on-going. Things that could begin this year, but take years to complete. For example; that I will have wise boys, that God will strengthen our marriage.
Then there are the things I know I should be praying for God to change in my own heart, but I just don't want to surrender. And then I do. And then I don't.
Emotions change with bad pizza. Why don't I just do what is right.
I am tired.

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