Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Camping Trip -- Part 5

It was still cold. The air mattress quickly lost air. Shiloh woke up three times crying because he needed to use the potty. We couldn't get the tent unzipped. It was too late.
I didn't want to change into my pajamas because it was so cold I didn't want to take anything off even for a brief moment.
I slept in my jeans and wore them everyday for three days. When I finally took them off at home, I noticed my toenails were painted. That surprised me, somehow painted toenails just didn't belong.
Shiloh and I were the first ones up. It was still cold and rainy. We walked the 300 yards back to the parking lot where there was a restroom with running water.
We used the hand drier to feel warm for a little. Shiloh stood with his head right under it. His hair went flying straight out to the sides.
Finally I decided we should go back and try to light a fire.
Success! We actually started a blazing fire! We did have tin foil, so it was time to be creative and start cooking. We wrapped vegetables, cheese, and shredded ham into a tin foil packet and put it in the fire. It was quite good.
Our other cooking experiments -- We formed a pan with the tin foil, melted some butter and scrambled some eggs. We roasted mushrooms with BBQ sauce. We cut up potatoes and threw them in the fire, also wrapped in tin foil.
It was kind of fun looking in the cooler to see what we could find and trying to decide how we would cook it.

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