Friday, July 3, 2009

The Camping Trip -- Part 3

It was cheap driving the truck. Later talking with my sister I discovered that they used a full tank more than us, just on the way up, and we still needed to return and drive around sight-seeing.
My sister and brother-in-law were kind to set up our tent before we arrived, so we didn't need to set it up at 2am.
But then the storm came. No problem really, because the tent was next to the house that my mom and uncle rented, so we just moved inside.
The bed was so soft. It felt great to stretch out!
It was still raining in the morning. We tried to venture out and see Pictured Rocks and some waterfalls. It was too foggy to see the rocks, but we did have a nice hike through the rain to Horseshoe Falls. We fed some starving fish in the fish pond along the way. That was almost scary -- they were so aggressive.
We returned to the cottage to eat our picnic lunch, and spent most of the rest of the day playing games inside.
The next day I decided that even though it was windy, rainy, and cold, I was going outside. (And taking any others I could persuade with me.)
The kids had so much fun. We played many group games, rode bikes, climbed trees, and went out on the canoe.
My mom was worried that I was taking the boat out on the lake in the current weather, but mothers do tend to forget that their children are now adults. But when my Grandpa came rushing out of the house, without a coat, I started to question my decision. (We joke that my Grandpa wears long johns almost all year long, so to have no coat really caught my attention.)
Eric came with me and I think that made people feel better, although it probably shouldn't have. He purposely tried to scare me, making the boat rock.
All in all it was an enjoyable trip -- I spent time with my family, I read a good book, ate lots of good food, and didn't have to clean. (Except when it was time to leave.)
I did break our camera though. :( It fell out of my pocket while I was riding Micah's bike.
I do feel bad for my mom also, because she had so many plans that were ruined. Sight-seeing that we couldn't see. Campfires that were too wet. Grills that were broken. Outside activities that only the crazy ventured out to do -- braving the wind, cold, and mosquitoes.

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