Saturday, July 4, 2009

"Lament" -- Part 5

I suppose these death commentaries are getting long, but it's hard to read a book and not say something. Reading others' thoughts makes me want to write my thoughts too.

Why? That is the question we ask. Not that we really want an answer.
"Is there no one who can slow it down, make it stop, turn it back?... It keeps on going, unforgiving, unrelenting."
Life just keeps going. We want it to stop. We want everyone to stay in this earth-stopping moment. But it wasn't earth-stopping. Because life does not slow. Back to work. Back to church. Back to school. Back to raising kids.
Some may be puzzled at how a person keeps going. It may seem they are not in pain, but really they have no choice. Everything must go on. Those moments of grief where there is nothing to focus on but the memories and the pain, become precious. Life is unrelenting. No mercy. It keeps hurting and pressing and not giving up. No break.
"Must we all be swept forever on...until the measure of our losses has been filled?"

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