Saturday, July 4, 2009

Musings on "Lament for a Son" by Nicholas Wolterstorff

Loss becomes part of who you are.
As Nicholas Wolterstorff says, "If someone ask, 'Who are you, tell me about yourself,' I say -- not immediately, but shortly -- I am one who lost a son."
In a way I envy him. I wish that was something I could say about myself. Recently I was talking with two ladies who had lost their sons. One was my mother and she was talking about my brother, the other was a friend whose son died when he was sixteen. Death is a part of their lives, as it is a part of Nicholas Wolterstorff's life. But what they don't realize is that death is also a part of my life. Our friend was talking about a locket she found for herself and her daughters with a special poem to help bring comfort when they were especially missing their son/brother.
My mom was interested and so was I, but my mom thought I might want one for my brother.
I wear a locket almost every day with a picture of my son Ian. He was part of me. He still is. It connects me to him in some strange way. A way for me to remember even though the world cannot see him. A way to keep him with me. I may hold the locket, hurting, remembering, sometimes opening it, sometimes it's enough to just know it's there. I do not need that for my brother. Not that I do not miss him. Not that it does not hurt. That day, talking with those ladies, I felt like I was standing there as a woman who had also lost a son, but it was only in my mind.
I cannot tell people that my son died, because a stillborn child (even at nine months) is not considered a real child.
But they are wrong. My son has died. In the words of Wolterstorff -- I am one who has lost a son. It is part of who I am.

1 comment:

  1. love you friend!! i'm sorry that you hurt so deeply. i'm sorry that ian is not here to ride bikes, build things, climb trees, make messes, try to stay up later than you :) you know he would be right there with the other 5 (yes, eric too :), being all boy! we love you, and we love your boys. all of them. including ian. i remember that he looked so much like micah to me. we should come look at pictures again. it has been too long. i love you.
